Most Effective Home Remedies To Get Ride Pimples


Pimples: Home remedies for skin problems are among the best treatments on many occasions. These remedies are accepted down from generation to generation for a reason – because they work. Here is a list of home remedies to get rid of acne problems in teens and adults.


  • Do not wash your face with soap and water; wash your face or the affected area in the morning and evening with lukewarm saltwater. Soap dries out the skin and can make acne worse, while warm salt water can help wash away the oil without drying out your skin.


  • Aloe Vera juice applied twice a day can be of great help in healing acne scars. Aloe Vera juice can be found in most health food stores, it comes in gel form, but if you can apply natural aloe vera, it is better.


  • Cucumber is one of the easiest and most refreshing treatments used to treat acne and hydrate the skin. It makes our skin look younger. Mash the cucumber until it forms a paste and applies it to the affected area. Leave on for 30 to 45 minutes after that rinse.


  • Sandalwood powder is often used on the skin to treat pimples. To do this, make a paste with the sandalwood powder and a little water, apply it and leave it overnight if possible then rinse with cold water the next day.


  • Tomato (tomato) can also be used to treat blackheads and to open skin pores, besides lightening the skin. Slice a piece of tomato and rub it on the skin. Leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. This will help you decrease open pores and blackheads. This treatment is excellent for oily skin.


  • Another home remedy uses nutmeg. For this, make a paste with powdered nutmeg with cold milk and apply it to the affected area. It works as a wonderful ointment. The buttons disappear without leaving a trace.


  • Egg whites also are wont to get obviate pimples. Apply an egg white mask to your face and leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse off with cold water.
  • Orange peels are very effective in the treatment of acne. To do this, grind the skin very well with little water until paste forms, and then apply it to the affected areas. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse.


  • Another very good remedy is to make a paste with 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon. Apply this paste to the pimples before sleeping and wash your face the next morning with lukewarm water.

Also Read: Face Serum For Your Skin To Glow And Lighten


  • Hot water compresses not too hot because you’ll burn yourself also can apply to the face to open the pores and eliminate blackheads. After applying the compress, rinse your face with cold water.


  • Before going to bed, apply ice to your face. It will reduce the inflammation and burning


  • Cut a lemon in half and gently rub the affected area and leave it overnight and rinse your face in the morning or if your skin is delicate, squeeze lemon juice and mix it with rose water and apply it on the affected areas as if it were an astringent lotion.


  • Garlic has been used successfully in the treatment of acne because its antibacterial properties are very high. Rub raw garlic on the affected skin several times a day, it will help you remove scars.


  • Make a mixture of coriander juice with a pinch of ground turmeric. It is a very effective homemade ointment for pimples and blackheads.


  • Papaya juice including skin and seeds also can apply to inflamed pimples.


  • Mix the cornstarch with a little water and apply it as a mask, it will help you absorb the oil.


  • Fresh juice mixed with a glass of warm is often appl to the face as a facial cleanser for pimples, blackheads, and chapped skin.


  • Drinking wheatgrass juice a day additionally highly recommended to eliminate Pimples.

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